Energy Advisors
Helping home owners save money by providing energy modelling and airtightness testing services for new homes and renovations.
Serving Central Vancouver Island.
Energy advisors are third party consultants that work on residential homes both new and existing. They provide energy modeling and airtightness testing as a portion of the requirements for delivering Natural Resources Canada’s EnerGuide Rating System, ENERGY STAR for New Homes, and CHBA NetZero Labelled homes. In BC, they are also specialists in providing support in demonstrating compliance with the BC Energy Step Code for Part 9 residential buildings.
An energy model calculates how much energy a proposed building is expected to use. Modelled energy consumption in a building can relate to space heating, ventilation, lighting, appliance and plug loads. An energy advisor understands the modelling software, construction details and BC Building Code requirements. The advisor evaluates the size and geometry of the building, the climate at the building’s location, the effective insulation values of assemblies such as walls, ceilings, windows and doors, and the mechanical systems that keep the house comfortable and provide hot water.

Home Renovations?
We work closely with our clients, helping to improve the comfort, health and energy efficiency of their home through energy modelling, and airtightness testing. We carefully create detailed roadmaps to aid in the renovation process, plus we can help you with rebate applications and post-renovation verification.

Building a New Home?
We provide guidance on Step Code compliance metrics, Net Zero building, and EnerGuide labelling. We focus on the house-as-a-system concept, while respecting the balance between increasing energy efficiency and cost effective solutions.

Save You Money
- Lower utility bills
- Protect against increasing energy costs
- Protect your investment with longer-lasting construction

Increase Quality of Life
- Better indoor air quality
- Reduced allergens
- Reduced mold and moisture
- Reduced external noise
- Even temperatures throughout

Protect the Planet
- Reduce greenhouse gas emissions
- Produce as much energy as the house consumes
- Protect against climage change
- Provide a better future for the next generation

The Goal
In a low-carbon, clean growth economy, buildings and communities will be highly energy efficient, rely on clean electricity and renewable energy, be smart and sustainable. Net Zero buildings have a role to play in this.
Net Zero can take on different meanings according to what your measuring; energy and carbon are the two most widely discussed in residential construction. Net Zero Homes produce as much clean energy as they consume. They are up to 80% more energy efficient than typical new homes and use renewable energy systems to produce the remaining energy they need. Every part of the house works together by design.
The Government of British Columbia has set targets for all new homes (and, soon, substantial renovations) to be measured as Net Zero energy ready by 2032. That’s just 10 years from now. But not to worry, the skills and technologies needed to reach these targets are here today.
Using our understanding of building science, energy modelling skills and familiarity with common building practices and materials, energy advisors play a pivotal role in the development of single family homes and multi-unit residential construction that meet the requirements of a Net Zero designation by working closely with builders, renovators and homeowners to help them make the most appropriate choices for their projects.
Rebates & Incentives
Building or renovating a home is a large project and an investment in your future; and project costs are rising. Rebates and incentives can be really beneficial in helping a client become aware of different methods and products available to them while offsetting some of the upfront costs. There are federal and provincial rebates available for both renovations and new construction projects. At Ecolibrium Energy Solutions, we are all Program Qualified energy advisors that can assist you in accessing these incentives.

Our Affiliations
Central Vancouver Island
Nanaimo, Parksville, Qualicum Beach, Port Alberni, Courtenay,
Comox, Powell River, Tofino, and Ucluelet
Telephone: 250-735-6050
Email: tessa@ecolibriumenergy.ca